Adult Life Coaching

Over 10 years ago I trained at Coaching Futures as the company I had worked for for over 23 years decided to sell itself to a competitor, who promptly shut it down. They gave a training budget to everyone to help with future employment, and as I was already doing voluntary work with the Right Choice Mentoring Project, and later what was at the time R.P.S. Rainer doing a bTech3 in youth mentoring, training as a life coach seemed a natural progression.

I have travelled a long path of personal development, and as they say, it’s not a destination, it’s a journey. At first I was like most other coaches you will come across….wham-bam, go get-em, you can achieve what you believe. As I grew older and read, listened to and watched more styles of coaching, I decided that I’d outgrown the more materialistic stuff. Most of that is simply driven by societal pressure, advertising, and ego driven living.

I want to explore me, my conscience, the real me. Sure having stuff is cool, but it’s not the be all and end all. Having goals and targets can be a great motivators too, but make sure they are yours, not your boss’s , your family’s, or what you think you ought to be chasing after.

If I’m down, depressed, or anxious, or any negative feeling, I want to be able to feel that feeling without the guilt of the “You shouldn’t have that feeling, you’re broke and I can fix you” brigade. I want to explore it as a human being, I don’t want to live my life there, but I think I have an obligation to experience it .I also want to feel the other end of the spectrum, joy, love, happiness. To deny any of the range of emotions is like going to a fairground and insist on only going on one ride.

For anyone who wants to explore who they REALLY are and what THEY really want to be, perhaps working with me as your coach could be a journey to transform your relationships at work, with your family, and with the person in the mirror.