Teen Services

The aim of the service I offer is to provide a safe, confidential and effective time for students to talk, be listened to and work out strategies for coping and moving forward whether at home, school or in their peer relationships.

Working inside the school’s premises itself and liaising closely with pastoral departments pupils are referred by the school with parental consent. Following this a regular appointment time is scheduled within the school timetable for coaching sessions to take place.

Presenting issues I have experience dealing with are many but among them are Attendance / Behavioural issues including anger / Self-esteem / Family issues / Time-keeping / Confidence / Peer issues & Bullying.


Working with me

Appointment times are often rotated during the day to ensure that pupils are not absent from the same lesson every week. Feedback from both pupils and pastoral staff is collected every term. Many interventions last for 10 weeks, however some may be resolved in less although many last for longer, depending on the needs of the student.

The most cost effective way of using the service is to book NSTLC for a full day; this usually allows the coaching of 10 pupils over the course of normal school hours.

One to One Mentoring & Life Coaching

As a new initiative, NSTLC are also offering an out of school hours one to one mentoring and life coaching service. This is a service where I will visit the student in their own home or another space where they feel safe and comfortable to offer coaching to young people that will cover school holidays when they can also feel vulnerable and isolated.

Should you as a teacher, youth worker, parent or guardian feel that NSTLC are able to assist you and your young person to work through their issues, feel free to contact me on 07833 352823 for an initial chat or enter your details on our Contact Page

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